!Jackal Mansion foyer\n\nMost of the entrances in this brightly lit room are <<replacelink>>blocked<<gains>> by guards in overcoats and shiny black shoes<<endreplacelink>>. Only two doorways invite further exploration, one to the [[library|JackalLibrary]] and the other to the [[lounge|JackalMansionLounge]]. You can also exit through the [[oak doors|JackalMansionEntrance]].
This is the end of the Optikon Line. You may board the train to [[return to the terminal|SubwayRide][$destination="SubwayTerminal"]], or you may try visiting the [[Angel Temple|AngelTempleEntrance]] again.
!Märchenheim 72J, Floor 9, Apartment U\n\nYour quarters lack mirrors and flourishes. A cot lies to one side, facing a cabinet decorated by industrious spiders; you haven't gazed upon its lacunae in quite some time. A cherrywood desk has a single <<reviselink drawer "drawer" end>>. The [[front door|Elevator1][$ElevatorOrigin=60]] leads to the elevator by way of the hallway. The only other room is the [[costume closet|CostumeCloset]].\n\n<<revision drawer>><<becomes>>The drawer contains a note about your mission, in rust-colored handwriting, detailing the handling of Masque shipments from Eiszapfen to placate the Temple acolytes while deterring other means of smuggling Masque into Sonnenblume. There is no mention of the additional delivery responsibilities imposed upon you of late.<<endrevision>>
<<set $beatId = 2>>Go to [[JackalMansion]]
<<if tags(passage()).contains("NoRhsBox")>>\n<<script>>\n$(rhsbox)[0].style.visibility = "hidden";\n<</script>>\n<<else>>\n<<script>>\n$(rhsbox)[0].style.visibility = "visible";\n<</script>>\n<<endif>>
!Maskorn Fields, Subway Station\n\nAs you step off the train, your fellow passengers vanish through unseen doors, leaving you alone.\n\nFrom the fields above you, you can hear the tremoring of maskorn laments. They are all too reminiscent of the wintry unwords that you hear in your <<insertlink "dreams">>--as a point of fact, until now you hadn't realized you heard anything in your dreams at all<<endinsertlink>>.\n\nAn unguarded stairway leads [[up into the fields|MaskornFields]].
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!To Spring Open\n\nby Two-Bit Chip\n\n[[Begin|OpeningScene]]\n\n[[About/Credits|Credits]]
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There are about a dozen people in line for the Maize Line train, and each one is dressed in a reaper mask. Absent that headpiece, you stand out like fireflies. No way will you be allowed to board; you have no choice but to [[return to the terminal|SubwayTerminal]].
You step off of the subway into the Angel Temple station. From here, there's no avoiding the [[stairs|AngelTempleEntrance]] leading upward.
Blinded, as your orders specified.\n\n\n\n\n\nBest to [[get out of here in the confusion|OptikonShrine2]].\n\n\n\n
<<set $beatId=3>><<set $beatName="FirstVialReceived">>This jackal is shorter than the others, compact, with dapper gloves edged with smile-colored paper lace, and--a mask of papier-mâché? They whisper the phrase //<<print $jackalPassword>>// and extend one hand. You withdraw the vial and place it in their palm.\n\nThe jackal inclines their head slightly and withdraws.\n\nYou may [[leave the alcove|JackalMansionLounge]].
/%<<set $showFooter=0>>It should be convincing enough. After adjusting <<print $costumes[$costumeName].thename>>, you lower the Reaper mask onto your head.\n\nNothing changes.\n\n[[You know where to go.|SubwayTerminal][$beatId=7;$beatName="WearingReaperMask"]]%/
You lean against the hallway wall for <<continuelink "a moment.">>a moment.\n\nFinally you drag yourself to the elevator and then to the [[roof|Roof2]].
A heavily fortified train awaits to take travelers southward, under the maskorn fields and toward Eiszapfen. It is [[time to board|SubwayRide][$destination="MaizeLineEndOutbound"]].
!Angel Temple, Subway Station Stairway\n\nA flight of stairs, its eyes staring unfailingly at you from the translucent material they're embedded in, leads up to the <<if $costumeName is "angel">><<LinkWithFirstVisit "Angel Temple" "AngelTemple" "FirstVisitAngelTemple">>.<<else>><<insertlink "Angel Temple">>. As you try to do so, however, a guard steps out and blocks your way. The guard is dressed as an angel. You are not<<endinsertlink>>.<<endif>>\n\nYou may return to the [[Optikon Line platform|OptikonLineHomeInbound]].
You blink back the sunlight as you emerge on the [[roof|Roof]].
<<timedreplace 500ms>><span style="font-size: 500%">''BANG''</span><<gains>> <span style="font-size: 500%">''BANG''</span><<gains>> <span style="font-size: 500%">''BANG''</span><<gains>> <span style="font-size: 500%">''BANG''</span><<gains>>\nthe plants reach their flashpoint and <<replacelink>>explode<<gains>> in oversummered fireworks. The sound and the smoke are intoxicating.\n\nYou take one look back at your own Eiszapfen, rust-colored through the firelight, and strike out toward the [[horizon|MyEnding]].<<endreplacelink>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n
!!Optikon Pedestal\n\nLike any eye, the Optikon is susceptible to that which it observes. It glares from the tangled naked bird-phalanges and talons and vertebrae that have been fashioned into its altar, like a death-pyre of angels. Swiftly, you leap onto the pedestal and <<continuelink "raise your mask.">>raise your mask.\n\nThe Optikon recoils from the aberrant sight of a naked face, and [[shudders dark|OptikonPedestal2][$beatId=5;$beatName="OptikonIsBlinded"]].
!Elevator\n* <<ElevatorHereCheckLeftBracket 100>><<LinkWithFirstVisit "Roof: post office" "Roof" "FirstRoofVisit">> <<ElevatorHereCheckRightBracket 100>>\n* <<ElevatorHereCheckLeftBracket 60>>[[Floor 9: your apartment|Apartment]] <<ElevatorHereCheckRightBracket 60>>\n* <<ElevatorHereCheckLeftBracket 30>><<if $beatId is 0>><<insertlink "Floor 1: lobby">> (you have a package to collect first)<<endinsertlink>><<else>><<LinkWithFirstVisit "Floor 1: lobby" "Lobby" "FirstLobbyVisit">><<endif>> <<ElevatorHereCheckRightBracket 30>>\n* <<ElevatorHereCheckLeftBracket 2>><<if $beatId lt 2>><<insertlink "Basement: subway terminal">> (you have no pressing need to travel as of now)<<endinsertlink>><<else>>[[Basement: subway terminal|SubwayTerminal]]<<endif>> <<ElevatorHereCheckRightBracket 2>>
/%\nLinkWithFirstVisit(X,Y,Z):\nDisplays a link with text X. If the passage with name Y has been visited at least once, then the link leads to Passage Y; otherwise it leads to the passage with name Z.\n%/\n<<widget "LinkWithFirstVisit">><<if visited($args[1]) is 0>><<link $args[0] $args[2]>><<else>><<link $args[0] $args[1]>><<endif>><</widget>>\n\n/%\nLinkIfTwoItemsAreEqual(X,C,D,Y,Z):\nDisplays a link with text X. If C equals D, then the link leads to Passage Y; otherwise it leads to Passage Z.\n%/\n<<widget "LinkIfTwoItemsAreEqual">><<if $args[1] eq $args[2]>><<link $args[0] $args[3]>><<else>><<link $args[0] $args[4]>><<endif>><</widget>>\n\n<<widget "ElevatorHereCheckLeftBracket">><<if $ElevatorOrigin === $args[0]>>''[ ''<<endif>><</widget>>\n\n<<widget "ElevatorHereCheckRightBracket">><<if $ElevatorOrigin === $args[0]>>'']''<<endif>><</widget>>
You step outside, noticing the arrival of sundown as you slip out through the temple gates. Not a moment afterward, a butterfly officer intercepts you and trundles you off to court. You barely have time to fit your mask back in place. Is the constable aware of what you just did in the temple?\n\n!Butterfly Court\n\nAtop the glass platform, the monarch magistrate gives you the familiar warning about approaching the parade route in <<print $costumes[$costumeName].fullname>>. "You know better than that."\n\nYou are trundled back to your apartment, grateful that the court here moves even faster than the news.\n\nYou unlock your [[apartment door|ThirdShockScene]]
This game was written for Shufflecomp Disc Two, oranized by Neil Butters. It is inspired by two songs: No Doubt, "Tragic Kingdom," and M.I.A., "Paper Planes." The game was written in Twine 1.4.2 using the Sugarcube format. It uses macros and styles by Leon Arnott.\n\nThe font is Droid Sans, by Steve Matteson. Most font and background colors were selected from http://www.december.com/html/spec/color1.html\n\nThank You to the beta testers.\n\n<<if $beatId is 0>>[[Click here to start the game!|OpeningScene]]<<endif>>
!Jackal Mansion, Subway Station Stairway\n\nYou are on a landing in the middle of a flight of stairs caked in nightgrass, so called because of its dark veins. Below you is the [[Anubis Line platform|AnubisLineHomeInbound]]. Above you is the <<if $costumeName is "jackal">><<LinkWithFirstVisit "Jackal Mansion" "JackalMansion" "FirstVisitJackalMansion">>.<<else>><<insertlink "Jackal Mansion">>. As you try to ascend further, however, a guard steps out and blocks your way with a haughty look at <<print $costumes[$costumeName].thename>> that you are wearing<<endinsertlink>>.<<endif>>
No sooner do you set foot outside the door when you are intercepted by an officer in butterfly costume, who just as promptly <<continuelink "trundles you away.">>trundles you away.\n\n!Butterfly Court\n\nCourt is held atop an outdoor raised glass platform, its vitreous surfaces providing a literal transparency to judicial proceedings.\n\nA magistrate in monarch wings gives you a stern warning about approaching the parade route in <<print $costumes[$costumeName].fullname>>. "You know better than that."\n\nYou are trundled with equal speed back to your [[apartment|Apartment]].
<<replacelink>><span id="bang1" class="bang shudder">Bang.</span><<becomes>>...the shockwave hits, of the same sort that woke you this morning. You bend over, pretending to be laughing indecorously at a joke halfway across the room.\n\nIt's time to [[excuse yourself|JackalMansion][$beatId=3.5;$beatName="HadSecondShock"]] to go retrieve your next package.<<endreplacelink>>
To Spring Open
You step off of the subway into the Jackal Mansion station. Darkened stairs lead up into the [[mansion entrance|JackalMansionEntrance]].
!Building Lobby\n\nYou are in the lobby of your building. The exit is a great glass door in a great glass wall, although door and wall are lined with tiny shock-inducing filaments for security. Outside, the endless parade swirls past; its sounds are piped into the lobby via hidden microphones embedded in the floats. The <<LinkWithFirstVisit "door" "Arrest1" "FirstArrest1">> leads outside, though you risk arrest for wearing the wrong uniform. You may also [[retreat to the elevator|Elevator1][$ElevatorOrigin=30]] from here.\n\n<<if $ParadeEntirelySeen is 1>>The parade continues outside the glass wall.<<else>><<revision parade>>An air-balloon icon of the deity called Sonne floats by, dragged forward on tarnished silver threads by little people wearing the uniforms of Sonnenblume.\n\nYou overhear a village elder decrying the poor maintenance of the Angel Temple: "It's as if our devotions can't keep winter's fingers from snatching at our prosperity!" For your part, you're impressed that she can bear to look at it for long. When you try to do so, you envision wheels of torment, spokes bright with summerburn.<<becomes>>\nA mechanical float rolls by. Its moral message of gratitude toward Sonne is delivered by a gigantic opal seated atop the float. The opal's jagged mouth is bent into a grin; the hand at the end of its prehensile arm waves. Skilled artisans long ago carved these features out, then added hinges and arcane mechanisms. A child waves back at the figure.<<becomes>>\n<<set $ParadeEntirelySeen = 1>>A phalanx of orphans wearing gray scarves march past, heads bowed, unduly subdued even though the town's rich harvests are what allow them to be nourished. You're disturbed by how hollow-cheeked they seem to be. The scene reminds you of Eiszapfen and its own run-down holy quarter, abandoned when Sonnenblume was built. These days Eiszapfen's denizens are reduced to the manufacture of Masque, while Sonnenblume's agricultural leaders ensure that the maskorn crops, with their summer-lengthening effect, are kept well-fertilized. With what, you're not certain, but you have your suspicions, starting with the fact that Eiszapfen's population has been in decline. Your thoughts go to the unseen sender of the <<print $vellum>> plane.<<endrevision>>\n<<reviselink parade "Continue surveying.">><<endif>>
<<replacelink>><span class="shudder bang" id="bang1">Bang.</span><<gains>><<removeclass "#bang1" "shudder">>\n\nThe shock of pain knocked you nearly [[senseless|ThirdShock2]].<<endreplacelink>>
Following the tunnel, you pass a replica <<replacelink>>pyramid made of foam<<gains>>, nicked and gouged. You run your hands along the uneven surface for a while<<endreplacelink>> before arriving at the Anubis Line station. At least the train is running on time, and masked travelers are queued up. You may join them on [[the train to the Jackal Mansion|SubwayRide][$destination="AnubisLineEndOutbound"]] or return to the [[terminal|SubwayTerminal]].
start [[SubwayRide][$destination="OptikonLineEndOutbound"; $costumeName="angel"]]
The proper officer's costume for recon in the parade is the butterfly, not <<print $costumes[$costumeName].fullname>>. You may [[continue and risk arrest|Arrest1]] or [[remain in the lobby|Lobby]].
!Angel Temple\n\n<<if $beatId lt 5>>You stand in the atrium of the Angel Temple. Stairs decorated with preserved eyes lead downward to the [[subway station|AngelTempleEntrance]] and upward to the [[Optikon Shrine|OptikonShrine]]. Mouthless murmurs disturb the air, which smells of rotted feathers. A familiar filamented glass wall holds a door that leads to [[another parade route|Arrest1]] outside.<<else>>You are in the Atrium. The way to the Shrine is blocked. You can go [[outside|Arrest1]] or [[downstairs|AngelTempleEntrance]].<<endif>>
<<replacelink>><span class="shudder bang" id="bang1">Bang.</span><<gains>><<removeclass "#bang1" "shudder">>\n\nYou are on the floor, awoken from chilly dreams and [[knocked out of your bed|OpeningScenePart2]] by a painful shock. <<endreplacelink>>
!Optikon Shrine\n\nThe flock of acolytes reassembles, angling in your direction. You dodge and scurry, scarcely reaching the [[stairwell|AngelTemple2]].
<<if $beatId is 0>>A package awaits you on the roof. Unsettled bones recall the shock of your notification.\n<<elseif $beatId is 2>>You are carrying a <<print $VialPhrase>> and a <<print $vellum>> plane, marked with the jackal's sigil and the phrase //<<print $jackalPassword>>//.\n<<elseif $beatId is 3.5>>A package awaits you at Märchenheim 72J. Unsettled bones recall the shock of your most recent notification.\n<<elseif $beatId is 4>>You are carrying a note that reads: //Blind the Optikon in Angel Temple//.\n/%<<elseif $beatId is 6>>\nYou are carrying replica Reaper headgear. ([[Equip|EquipReaperHeadpiece]])%/\n<<elseif $beatId is 7>>\nThe Maskorn Fields await you.\n<<endif>>\nYou are clad in <<print $costumes[$costumeName].fullname>><<if $beatId is 7>>, augmented by facsimile Reaper headgear<<endif>>.
<<print either(\n"An owl-shriek of metal, dwindling too slowly for your comfort.",\n"Sparks sputter and hiss as the train negotiates a turn.",\n"The air shudders cold, and not a little damp, as though a storm looms in the tunnel.",\n"An abnormally large moth struggles in a decrepit web that shivers in the eddying wind.",\n"Behind you comes the high chant of children, except you cannot understand the language--and when you look behind you, only blank adult faces greet you.",\n"When you look around, afterimages like those of broken sun-shards trouble your vision.",\n"The perfume of burnt grain floats past your nostrils.",\n"The train lurches; you grab onto the pole and are suddenly, viscerally troubled by its slick coldness, like an icicle's.",\n"The shattering train-pulse can be felt through your feet, juddering all the way up through your skull.",\n"Someone breathes too heavily near you, coughs; moves away when you lift your head."\n)>>
<<if $beatId is 0>>You approach the decay-lined cubby with your name inscribed on a neat plaque in front. The cubby contains a small <<print $vellum>> plane, which you <<continuelink "take and unfold.">>take and unfold. A small <<print $VialPhrase>> tumbles out into your hand. Stamped on the <<print $vellum>> is the jackal's sigil, and written on it is the phrase //<<print $jackalPassword>>//. [[Another unofficial delivery to make.|Roof][$beatId=2;$beatName="HasFirstVial"]]<<elseif $beatId is 3.5>>This time your cubby is empty. The buzz must have been sent in midflight. Sure enough, moments later a paper plane glides sleekly into your <<continuelink "grasp.">>grasp. You unfold it to read your new instructions: //Blind the Optikon in Angel Temple.//\n\nYour back prickles. It's growing late, and you'd like nothing better than to retire for the evening. But [[you have your instructions.|Roof][$beatId=4;$beatName="HasOptikonInstructions"]]<<else>>!Rooftop Post Office\n\nHere is where paper planes are launched to Eiszapfen and other destinations, and where other planes are received in kind. You may return to the [[Elevator|Elevator1][$ElevatorOrigin=100]].\n\nFar below on your left, you can see the <<insertlink "parade route">>--a mass of writhing ant people at this distance. The parade has been going on more days than ever before<<endinsertlink>>. To your right you see the <<insertlink "maskorn fields">>, their unripe visages waving placidly atop tall stems, with Eiszapfen lurking unseen and diminished behind them<<endinsertlink>>. In front of you is the long road to the <<insertlink "Jackal Mansion">><<if $beatId gt 3>>, where you made your last delivery<<else>>, where Sonnenblume governance is conducted<<endif>><<endinsertlink>>. <<if $beatId gt 5>>Behind you, a phalanx of guards can faintly be seen collapsing over the defiled Angel Temple.<<else>>You prefer not to look <<insertlink "behind you">>, since even a glimpse of the Angel Temple in that direction is enough to make you flinch<<endinsertlink>>.<<endif>>\n <<endif>>
!Subway Terminal\n\nYou are in the massive transit hub located underneath Märchenheim 72J. Functionaries in colorful costumes skitter around you, turning you around until you face a grotesque, dimly lit tunnel. That's the <<LinkIfTwoItemsAreEqual "Maize Line Station" $beatId 7 "MaizeLineHomeOutbound" "MaizeLineWarning">>, which travels under the maskorn fields en route to Eiszapfen. Behind you is the [[elevator|Elevator1][$ElevatorOrigin=2]] and the uncomforts of home. To your left and right are stations for the [[Anubis Line|AnubisLineHomeOutbound]] and the [[Optikon Line|OptikonLineHomeOutbound]] respectively.
Go to [[MaskornFieldsEntrance]]
!Costume Closet\n\nBetween districts in Sonnenblume, your costume is your visa. The closet contains:<ul><<if $costumeName neq "pajamas">><li> <<print $costumes["pajamas"].fullname>> ([[Equip|CostumeCloset][$costumeName="pajamas"]]) (<<replacelink "View">><<print $costumes["pajamas"].description>><<endreplacelink>>)</li><<endif>><<if $costumeName neq "jackal">><li> <<print $costumes["jackal"].fullname>> ([[Equip|CostumeCloset][$costumeName="jackal"]]) (<<replacelink "View">><<print $costumes["jackal"].description>><<endreplacelink>>)</li><<endif>><<if $costumeName neq "angel">><li> <<print $costumes["angel"].fullname>> ([[Equip|CostumeCloset][$costumeName="angel"]]) (<<replacelink "View">><<print $costumes["angel"].description>><<endreplacelink>>)</li><<endif>></ul>You may return to your [[apartment|Apartment]].
Reminding yourself that the eyes are not literally witnesses, you walk through into the [[temple atrium|AngelTemple]].
Winter hasn't come to the town for a while, anyway. The heavier blankets are folded in a pile at the foot of your bed.\n\nThe shock still reverberates. As you gain awareness, you recognize the feeling as the signal that you have a package awaiting you on the roof.\n\n[[Time to get moving.|Apartment][$showFooter=1]]
This is the end of the Anubis Line. You may board the train to [[return to the terminal|SubwayRide][$destination="SubwayTerminal"]], or you may try visiting the [[Jackal Mansion|JackalMansionEntrance]] again.
!Optikon Shrine\n\n<<if $beatId eq 4>>The Optikon gazes glassily from its pedestal of massacred bird-bones. One of the acolytes shuffles with the telltale gait you recognize in a fellow user of Masque. You distract them with a legerdemain of <<continuelink "impiety.">>impiety, accusing the Masque-afflicted disciple of promulgating the <<continuelink "Heresy of Ashen Ground.">>Heresy of Ashen Ground. The acolytes busy themselves tidying the sudden eddy of heterodoxy, giving you your [[opportunity|OptikonPedestal]].\n<<else>>The Optikon gazes glassily from its pedestal. Acolytes stand guard everywhere. Unblinking stairs lead down to the [[atrium|AngelTemple]].<<endif>>
!Angel Temple\n\nThe atrium's open floor plan leaves you exposed. If you hurry, you might reach the <<insertlink "steps to the subway ">>--no, guards are marching up from that direction--<<endinsertlink>>or take your chances with [[the parade outside|Arrest2]].
!Jackal Library\n\nThe walls are populated in equal measure by <<replacelink>>bookcases<<gains>> carved from fossilized wood<<endreplacelink>> and grinning canine <<replacelink>>masks.<<gains>> One of the masks is attached to a heliotrope-studded collar that has a golden leash hanging from it: someone's notion of a joke?<<endreplacelink>> You may return to the [[foyer|JackalMansion]] at any time.\n\n<<continuelink "You browse the library.">>The <<reviselink LibHistory "history" "history" "history" end>> shelves appear depleted, or perhaps censored, with little to offer<<revision LibHistory>>.<<becomes>>. An old map shows that Eiszapfen was once a more prominent town than it was. You are certain that its boundaries have decayed from what they once were.<<becomes>>. Wedged into the back of census lists, you find a paper airplane. Your hands clench as you remember the reverberations. But there is no message for you here.<<endrevision>>\n\nThe <<reviselink LibScience "science" "science" "science" "science" end>> shelves appear more fruitful<<revision LibScience>>.<<becomes>>. A treatise describes the natural growth cycle of maskorn and the applications of the drug Masque that is derived from its fruit. The yields described are much smaller than those that Sonnenblume has enjoyed in the past years.<<becomes>>. Masque induces a state of extended reverence. The acolytes at the Angel Temple find it useful in their meditations, although others liberate quantities of it for their own purposes.<<becomes>>. A guide to the flowers of Sonnenblume notes, almost in passing, that the sunflowers after which the town was named have become a rarity in recent years. There are some perhaps heterodox speculations that this has to do with the surfeit of summer that the town has enjoyed.<<endrevision>>\n\nMuch of the library is devoted to <<reviselink LibReligion "religion" "religion" "religion" "religion" end>><<revision LibReligion>>.<<becomes>>. A book on the iconography of the god Sonne notes that in the old days it was represented by a single staring eye. In the older days, Sonne was represented by an offertory pyre ringed by golden blades: sacrifices were tossed into the pyre so that the savor of their smoke would reach skyward. An early council aiming to rehabilitate the god's image among the populace tried to replace both the eye and the golden blades with the well-beloved opal figurine, with decidedly mixed results.<<becomes>>. You find nothing on the Heresy of Ashen Ground, but that's only to be expected. You know, however, that old scholars argued that the land must receive its sacrifices from time to time, and be permitted to rest amid the cold and the dark, before it can prosper again.<<becomes>>. There is an entire bookcase devoted to the semiotics of the Angel Temple's architecture, most of which cause you to shudder even at this remove of sign and signified.<<endrevision>>\n\nThere is <<reviselink LibArt "art" "art" "art" end>> to be found as well<<revision LibArt>>.<<becomes>>. A folder of prints, loosely bound, contains several depictions of the Optikon, which you only manage to look at through the corner of your eye. The Optikon is a throwback to the early days of Sonne-worship: too holy to be discarded, but disturbing in a way that nobody dares to question.<<becomes>>. A folio of sketches of birds, tinted with colored pencils, has been laid carelessly on the floor. Disarmingly, each bird is depicted in full plumage except for the wings, which are shown as skeletons, stripped of feathers.<<becomes>>. A portrait of a jackal-headed lawgiver smiles toothily from one of the walls. In the old days the Society of Jackals was responsible for propitiating the dead; they overtook this function and later became responsible for the day-to-day affairs of government.<<endrevision>>
/% Place your story's setup code in this passage.\nAny macros in this passage will be run before the Start passage (or any passage you wish to Test Play) is run. %/\n\n<<set $jackalPassword="Winter Resurgent">>\n<<set $vellum="hullpaper">>\n<<set $VialPhrase="vial of natron concentrate">>\n<<set $ParadeEntirelySeen = 0>>\n<<set $costumes = {\n\tpajamas: {\n\t\tfullname: "your pajamas",\n\t\tdescription: "made of heavy paper but surprisingly comfortable",\n\t\tthename: "the pajamas"\n\t},\n\tjackal: {\n\t\tfullname: "a jackal outfit",\n\t\tdescription: "a tight-fitting jackal mask, together with a mod black suit and white shoes",\n\t\tthename: "the jackal outfit"\n\t},\n\tangel: {\n\t\tfullname: "an angel costume",\n\t\tdescription: "alternating black and white stripes, of a rare satiny material",\n\t\tthename: "the angel costume"\n\t},\n}>>\n<<set $costumeName = "pajamas">>\n<<set $beatId = 0>>\n<<set $beatName = "JustWokeUp">>\n<<set $showFooter = 0>>
A spartan underground tunnel leads to the platform for the Optikon line. You can count the other travelers at this station on one hand; all are wearing the angel's uniform. You may take [[the subway to the Angel Temple|SubwayRide][$destination="OptikonLineEndOutbound"]] or return to the [[terminal|SubwayTerminal]].
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!Jackal Mansion lounge\n\n<<if $beatId lt 3>>Jackals mingle over glasses of fizzed nectar, hectic with the taste of the extended summer. You withdraw to an alcove and listen to the conversations.\n\n<<revision jconvo>>"...maskorn tributes up to..." (belch) "...this year...how long can they last?"\n<<becomes>>"And so I say to her, the best way to fix a mask isn't with duct tape, it's with..."\n<<becomes>>Voices raised in argument, then breaking into a mockery of the eerie dissonances of the Temple.\n<<becomes>>Two children chase each other as though threading a labyrinth of mismatched legs.\n<<becomes>>(Jackal masks everywhere, dark eyes, stark eyes.)\n<<becomes>>[[Someone clears their voice, very close to you.|VialHandover]]<<endrevision>>\n\n<<reviselink jconvo "Continue listening.">><<elseif $beatId eq 3>>You linger among the revelers, listening disjointedly to their witticisms. [[A drink might be|ShockwaveJackalMansion]]\n\n<<else>>The jackals continue to mingle, but you are numb to their gossip. Best return to the [[foyer|JackalMansion]].<<endif>>
This historic building is a gathering place for heads of state and captains of industry, but the purpose of these meetings is unknown. This is your third delivery of embalming materials to this address in the past week alone, unsettling considering that the entire district hasn't reported a single death in the past several years.\n\nYou straighten your tails, kick the nightgrass with its soporific odor off of your shoes, and [[open the old oak doors|JackalMansion]].
!Subway Terminal\n\nAfter sunset, the foot traffic dies down in the terminal. The [[tunnel to the Maize Line station|MaizeLineHomeOutbound]] is ready for you.
<<set $beatId = 4>>Go to [[FirstVisitAngelTemple]]
!The End.\n\n[[Credits]]
The train slows to a stop at the Maskorn Fields station. For security, the train is emptied here and passes are checked before continuing to Eiszapfen.\n\nStairs lead up into the [[station proper|MaskornFieldsEntrance]].
!Rooftop Post Office\n\nThe paper airplane that swoops into your hand, silhouetted against the darkening sky, is the largest yet; irrationally, you're afraid it will knock you over. You <<continuelink "gather it up.">>gather it up and spread it out on a pitted stone table. It unfolds cunningly into a facsimile of a Reaper headpiece, which you take. Inscribed on the inside of the headpiece: //The maskorn fields.//\n\nThere's going to be a harvest tonight, <<continuelink "one way or another.">>one way or another. The headpiece should be convincing enough. After adjusting <<print $costumes[$costumeName].thename>>, you lower the Reaper mask onto your head.\n\nNothing changes.\n\n[[You know where to go.|SubwayTerminal2][$beatId=7;$beatName="WearingReaperMask"]]
Bright light, filtered as it is, assaults you as you step off of the elevator into the [[Lobby]].
Two-Bit Chip
<<script>>\nsetInterval(\n function(){\n var y = Math.round(Math.random()*300);\n var s = Math.round(100+Math.random()*400);\n var fs = Math.round(12+Math.random()*12);\n $("#flyby1").css({left:800, top: y, fontSize: fs});\n $("#flyby1").animate({left: -100}, s);\n y = Math.round(Math.random()*300);\n s = Math.round(100+Math.random()*200);\n fs = Math.round(12+Math.random()*12);\n $("#flyby2").css({left:800, top: y, fontSize: fs});\n $("#flyby2").animate({left: -100}, s);\n }, 500\n);\n<</script>>\n<div id="flyby1" style="left:650;position:absolute;color: gray;font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;z-index:1000"><<print either("corn", "maize", "murder", "cold", "high", "gun")>></div><div id="flyby2" style="left:650;position:absolute;color: gray;font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;z-index:1000"><<print either("corn", "maize", "murder", "cold", "high", "gun")>></div><span class="rumble">You stand and <<print either("hold on tight to","grip", "cling to")>> a support pole, as <<print either("usual","you always do")>>.\n\n<<display "RandomSubwayScene">></span>\n\n<<timedreplace 4s>> <<becomes>>[[The train approaches its destination.|$destination]]<<endtimedreplace>>
Like a castle-cancre at the horizon, you see Eiszapfen.\n\nA rustling fills the wind, and the sky is dark against darkness: a <<continuelink "flock of birds.">>flock of birds.\n\nNo. <<continuelink "Planes.">>Planes.\n\nThey circle you in silence until you <<continuelink "remove your mask.">>remove your Reaper mask. \n\n''WITNESS'', the planes spell out, over and over in the whirl of their wings. <<continuelink "''WITNESS.''">>''WITNESS.''\n\nYou <<continuelink "stand back.">>stand back--as the planes light up, flames dancing candle-fashion on their wings. They dive for the maskorn and its betraying murmurs. As the planes strike the blighted crops, you take another look at <<continuelink "the mask in your hand.">>the Reaper mask. Instinctively, you hurl the mask into the growing fire. You scramble back, away from the smoke. The maskorn trembles as it [[burns|MaskornFieldsBurn]].